ONTOX consortium to hold the annual meeting in Milan

ONTOX project partners are set to meet in Milan, Italy, on 3 and 4 May, 2023, to discuss the outcomes of the project’s second year. Scientific Advisory Board will scrutinise ONTOX’s progress and grant the Best poster award for young scientists.

The event will take place at the Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, one of the project’s partners. The theme for this year’s meeting is “Back to the biological basics“. Each Work Package leader will present the results of the work done during the project’s second year.

Agenda of the ONTOX’s second annual meeting.

Moreover, the ASPIS cluster activities will be crucial in planned discussions. ASPIS cluster represents Europe’s effort towards the sustainable, animal-free and reliable chemical risk assessment of tomorrow. ONTOX and two other Horizon 2020 consortia (PrecisionTox and RISK-HUNT3R) are part of ASPIS.

For the first time, ONTOX annual meeting will host a poster session for young scientists. Early-stage researchers from ONTOX will present their posters, and the Scientific Advisory Board will choose the best one. The winner will receive valuable prizes from the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV) and Altertox Academy, sponsoring the ONTOX annual meeting’s Best Poster Award.

The Scientific Advisory Board will be present throughout the meeting to review the project’s advancement. Their feedback at the end of the event will be crucial in assessing ONTOX’s headway towards its vision.

The vision of the ONTOX consortium is to provide a functional and sustainable solution for advancing human risk assessment of chemicals without the use of animals in line with the principles of 21st-century toxicity testing and next generation risk assessment.